How to Rethink JanSan in Pandemic Times

| BlackHawk Team

Man using a squeegee on the floor

COVID-19 has prompted many companies to see Janitorial and Sanitation (JanSan) expenses in a different light.

The world is one year removed from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We could list the life-altering effects of the Coronavirus from here to Doomsday. Suffice to say, every person, government and business not living under a rock has been challenged to adapt and survive.

Workplace cleanliness after COVID-19

For businesses and consumers, 2020’s spending on PPE and cleaning supplies was extraordinary relative to “normal” times. Consider your own reserve stockpiles of essentials like paper towels, wipes and sanitizers – or the frantic purchases of N95 masks and face shields. Some items, such as clear plastic partitions, were rarely seen before last March. Now they are everywhere between you, me, and the next person on the line.

Certain aspects of the “COVID Era” will remain with us for years to come. Workplace “cleanliness” used to be about looking sharp for customers and giving employees a comfortable, safe place to work. Outside of a hospital or a cleanroom, JanSan was more “something you do for appearances’ sake” – and you threw a certain amount of money at it.

JanSan Today

COVID has taught us that public health is THE critical outcome of a JanSan program. Preventing the spread of infectious diseases and preserving the health of employees and customers benefits everybody. JanSan is more than washing the windows and sweeping the floors. It has become the symbol of a culture of health.

Budgeting for the new workplace cleaning standard

We noted the extra spend on JanSan products, no thanks to COVID. One year out, it’s a good time to examine your JanSan spend against your consumption. What’s in the warehouse facility? Do you have an excess of masks that is constantly replenished beyond your needs with a standing order? Do you still run short on hand sanitizer?

Your BlackHawk representative, together with our industry partners, can work with you to assess your JanSan program and adjust your sourcing and inventory to meet your usage. As with any other element of your operation, JanSan factors into your total costs. Shouldn’t you optimize your JanSan as you would your manufacturing consumables?

BlackHawk can help you to strike a balance between processes and preparedness while saving you money.

BlackHawk Industrial Mission

Our mission at BlackHawk Industrial is to provide innovative, value-added service solutions and products that reduce our customer’s total cost.

For any questions about JanSan or any other products sold by BlackHawk Industrial, send us an email [email protected] or give us a call Toll Free: 855-610-1001. We’re happy to help. You can also purchase JanSan cleaning chemicals, and cleaning or floor care supplies and equipment on our website.